
审计长bet356英国在线 files Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

的 cover of the Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

今天, 联邦审计长 威廉·麦克纳马拉 announced the filing of the Commonwealth’s Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) for Fiscal Year 2022, 截至6月30日的这段时间, 2022.


Among the major highlights published in the ACFR:

完整的报告可以在网上找到 http://bnml.jinken-fukuoka.com/annual-comprehensive-financial-reports/.

的 ACFR includes an auditors’ report prepared by the Commonwealth’s independent auditors, 班(CliftonLarsonAllen, LLP).

主计长威廉·麦克纳马拉说, “的 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report provides an accurate and complete picture of the Commonwealth of 质量achusetts – and reflects the sound condition of state finance.  我要感谢助理主计长 & Chief Financial Reporting Officer Pauline Lieu, Deputy Chief Financial Reporting Officer Tamia Buckingham, 高级顾问Howard Merkowitz, and the staff of the Statewide Financial Reporting Team.  的ir skill, commitment to accuracy, and plain hard work are evident in this report.  I also thank the financial and administrative professionals in every department across the Commonwealth, who work year-round to execute the state’s financial processes with skill and dedication.”

bet356官网首页 the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

的 ACFR is prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the United States of America, as defined for 政府ernments by the Government Accounting Standards Board.

的 objective of the ACFR is to provide a clear financial picture of the 政府ernment of the Commonwealth of 质量achusetts as a single, 统一的入口, in a format that makes the report easily compared to other states.  的 ACFR incorporates activity from over 150 departments, 包括各个机构, 董事会, 和佣金, 25所高等教育机构, the judicial and legislative branches of 政府ernment, 宪法的bet356英国在线, 以及41个独立的, 独立的公共机构.

This report presents the Commonwealth’s financial information on two bases of accounting, 每一种都有不同的用途:

  1. 基金的角度来看 语句 present 政府ernmental operations on a modified accrual basis of accounting, 或者“基金视角”, which shows how the Commonwealth is able to meet its short-term obligations through “currently available resources”.
  2. 政府的角度 combines all 政府ernment and business-type activities in a statement of net position and a statement of activities, presenting all functions on a full accrual basis of accounting, including long-term assets such as capital assets and long-term liabilities such as debt and retiree pensions and health insurance benefits.